Friday, April 1, 2016


This is a fabulous talk by Tara Brach regarding the sacred pause.

If we can develop this habit, through daily practice, we can grow closer to love.

For there is only love or fear.

So often, we react from a place of fear because our stress response has been triggered.  This happens in emotionally big and small ways.

Little triggers may drive us to put something in our mouth, to snap at another, to procrastinate (whatever our stress response may be).  We can pause, and choose a more loving response for ourself.

Larger triggers may drive us to react to those we love, and say something unkind and distancing - disconnecting.  We can pause, and choose a more loving response for ourself.

We can learn to pause in the middle of our stress response, our moments of fight, flight, freeze, and  practice choosing another way.

We practice pausing our thoughts, for stress feeds itself on thoughts, and habitual stories.

If we can develop this habit of the blessed pause, through daily practice, we can grow closer to love.