Monday, December 12, 2016


Living in the light of love is terrifying.  Hiding under the cloak of darkness is like returning to the womb.  It is safe.  It is hidden.  It is connected.  It is known.   It is warm.  Most importantly, it is limiting, for the womb shunts our growth.

Yet, we return to the dark, limiting comfort of the familiar time and time again.  Like a newborn gasping for air, we scream for all we have known.

When thrust into reality we recoil with discomfort.  The truth of reality shines light onto that which we wish we could hide.  That is until, we courageously face the light.  After the initial blinding, we are warmed by the embrace of the exotic.  We are comforted by the love of truth.  We see that we are safe despite the unfamiliar territory.

Like the newborn suckling the mother’s breast.  We are warmed by the foreign embrace of love.  We are held in the arms of the infinite universe.  For the universe wants what is best for us.  The universe desperately seeks to help us grow.

Life gives us continuous opportunities to stretch into the unknown.  These instances of leaving our place of warmth are disguised as obstacles and are excruciating uncomfortable, at first. 

After the first few tentative steps, we courageously learn we can walk among unexplored land..  We learn that living in the light of love is terrifyingly liberating.  It is worth the effort and the courage it takes to take those first steps.