Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Our children are a mirror for us, when we choose to see them this way.

I listen to myself, saying to my kids, that which I need hear.  When I am willing, there is a beautiful opportunity to see in my children that which I struggle to see in my own reflection.

I desire for my children to be calm, mature, focused, and to believe in themselves - the list goes on.  I am seeing those qualities which I wish to refine in myself.

I struggle to avoid chaos.  I struggle to stay focused.  I struggle to believe in my dreams.  My soul is seeing what it wants to be.  Many decades of not listening, to the still small voice inside, have made my heart a frustrated voyeur.

Thankfully, the opportunities to see myself and my dreams continue to present themselves.  It takes courage to take the focus off of what others are doing, and to dedicate that same energy into manifesting our dreams.

The first step is to see the reflections of our dreams.  This awareness enables us to see what is not working and then to re-dedicate ourselves to our dreams - day after day.    There is no fast pass to accomplishing our dreams.  It happens in baby steps.

When we chose to wake up  and see our habits, we can begin to discard that which no longer serves us.  We can begin to listen to our heart, and go where it points.  When we get lost, we can look to those wonderful children, and see ourselves again.  The self we long to be.