A place where I share my journey, resources, and experiences as I move towards the light of love.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
I tried Sharon Salzberg's 28 Day Meditation challenge in February. It was wonderful.
The biggest takeaways were: meditation feels good, and we are always meditating.
I normally meditate on problems to be solved, behaviors others need to change, behaviors I want to change, and jobs that must get done. These are the things to which my mind clings.
Spending a few minutes every day trying to quiet this chatter proves to be extremely difficult for me.
So I ask myself, why do I cling to this nonsensical noise? I am still unraveling this answer.
However, I feel safer trying plan out life. I feel safer when I am working on myself or others. I feel safer when I am fixing all the problems in life that could threaten me.
The irony is - all this planning really does nothing to keep me safe.
I hope to continue my meditation experiment. I hope to continue to get to know my mind. I hope to offer safety to myself and my primal thinking brain with the gift of meditation.
The gift of quiet comfort that offers true peace and safety by living in this moment and only this moment.