A place where I share my journey, resources, and experiences as I move towards the light of love.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
We are all looking for connection.
Unfortunately, we look outside of ourselves for this union.
This is backwards. We need to look within, and first connect to our true self.
If we are reaching out to others from a place of internal emptiness, we will be unable to take in any love or kindness offered by the world.
We must first love, connect, and treasure the divine within. We must believe in our own worthiness. Often, this requires us to slow down and really be present in each exchange with others.
We must listen to the voice within to know when we are seeking versus being. Are we seeking approval from others as we relate? Or are we approving of our self and simply enjoying the relating?
So often, we look to others, to food, to work, to busy-ness in an effort to feel good. This is the trend of our culture and our defensive mind.
There is another way.
The way of true connection begins by connecting to the self, approving of the self, and loving the self. Then, when we are relating with others, we enter into the presence as a whole being not an empty sieve looking to be fixed.